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Wealth Preservation & Legacy Retirement


The culmination of ultimate retirement worth is to ensure that all the enhanced, improved, and increased wealth created by the other planning phases is never spent down or lost.

TRUST-CFO® hyper focuses in on legacy retirement planning which means we fully leverage our PRPs to ensure the plan corpus lasts for generations, outside the grasp of bad creditors and sheltered from future taxation exposures.

When properly designed, a PRP can convert tax-exposed assets into a tax-free environment to generate the highest net return with the highest probability of success.

A responsible generational wealth plan will not only fully preserve principal, but it will intently seek to secure cost of living adjustments to maintain the future lifestyle of heirs – and perhaps even provide excess to engage in philanthropy for a true legacy.

Our planning always seeks to ensure generational retirement benefits by hedging against all major wealth-eroding risks, including tax, market, interest rate, and the greatest tax of all – inflation.

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  • Proven Maximized risk-adjusted IRR returns on assets.
  • Proven Highest risk-adjusted probability of Plan success.
  • Maximized Tax-Free Benefit Distributions
  • Maximized Tax-Optimized Business Transfer
  • Total Tax-Free Estate Transition to Next-Generation

Client Testimonials

Eric S.

Owner, Gaming

The amount of risk in my world is almost unbelievable. Introduced by my attorney who does their own PRP with TRUST-CFO, I've now benefitted from major protections and significant tax benefits so I can keep my net profits, which everyone else in the world seems to want!

Advisor Testimonials

I'm always amazed at the creativity and innovations that TRUST-CFO brings to our client's. They are the ultimate problem-solvers for business owners trying to survive in California.

TRUST-CFO is the pioneer in PRP administration and industry benchmark to ensure the strongest and most legitimate Private Retirement Plan backed by their superior reporting system.


TRUST-CFO seamlessly integrates with our estate, business and advanced planning designs. Never disruptive, they always enhance our value to our clients.